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6. aaronson nk, ahmedzai s, bergman b, bullinger m, cull a, duez njf, a. et al. the european organization for research and treatment of cancer
qlo-c30: a quality-of-life instrument for use in international clinical trials in oncology. j natl cancer inst 1993;85(5):365-76. 7. groenvold m, petersen ma, aaronson nk, arraras ji, blazeby jm, bottomley a et al. the development of the eortc qlq-c15-pal: a shortened questionnaire for cancer patients in palliative care. eur j cancer 2006 jan;42(1):55-64. 8. center for kliniske retningslinjer. tidlig identifikation ved hjælp af selvvur- deringsskema af palliative problemer og symptomer hos borgere > 65 år i det kommunale sundhedsvæsen, der lever med livstruende sygdom (kronisk obstruktiv lungesygdom (kol), kræft og /eller kronisk hjertesvigt). available at: www.kliniskeretningslinjer.dk. besøgt d. 23. september, 2014. 9. boesen h. kliniske retningslinjer ? nu også i kommunerne. sygeplejersken 2013;(8):40. 10. sundhedsstyrelsen. notat: vedr. valg af redskab til den overordnede behovs- vurdering ved rehabilitering og palliation i forbindelse med kræftsygdomme. 2012 24-04;j.nr.4-1612-1/10/bbm. english abstract sølver l, thomsen tg, stenfeldt vø. tools for assessing the needs of people with cancer. sygeplejersken 2015;(3):78-81. danish regions and municipalities are implementing a programme of systematic needs-assessment, as recommended in the progress pro- gramme for rehabilitation and palliation according to danish national cancer plan iii. in practice, however, it is not clear what form these assessments will take, and on what they will be based. the article draws attention to the distinction between problem and need, and de- scribes two types of questionnaires, currently recommended for asses- sing the need for rehabilitation and palliation in people with cancer, and other life-threatening illnesses. given the fact that the focus is on evidence-based practice, the authors reflect over developments in the area and recommend that there be collective discussion of the strengths and shortcomings of the two questionnaires. there must also be discussion of what resources and competencies healthcare profes- sionals require in order to strengthen their cooperation with patients and their relatives in respect of needs-assessment, intervention and follow-up.. key words: needs-assessment, national cancer plan iii, rehabilitati- on, palliation. før du søger arbejde i udlandet, opfordrer vi dig til at søge oplysninger på dsr.dk/jobiudlandet norge sommerbonus bra lønn gratis reise gratis bolig mye arbeid sommervikar i norge! mer enn du forventer les mer på www.vacant.no