DANMAP 2015 3D
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45 danmap 2015 5. antimicrobial
in humans 5.1 introduction in denmark all
of human medicine, including antimicrobials is recorded through the register of medicinal product statistics at the danish health
authority. sales are reported through the pharmacies which, for the primary sector include information on the generic and the brand name of the product, formulation, active drug, size and number of packages, as well as age, gender and regional residence of the patient. for the hospital sector sales are available through the hospitals pharmacy and contain information on the amount and formulations of antimicrobials delivered to the different departments. thus for both sectors quite detailed information is achieved but specifications on the exact amount actually used are missing as are informations regarding the indication for the specific treatment and the condition of the patient. for both sectors work is in progress that will ensure these more specific treatment
in the future. recording has been performed since 1994 - for the primary sector this included all sales from the beginning, for the hos- pital sector the first recordings were uncomplete and did not include sales from multipackages and marginal products. these
have been included since january 1997. for more infor- mation on the registration of the human
please see chapter 2 ?danmap ? a 20 year perspective?. as for previous reports the
in the primary sector corresponds to all antimicrobials delivered upon prescriptions from the general practitioner, medical specialists and dentists as well as prescriptions handed out at hospitals to patients upon discharge. for the hospital sector only
from public somatic hospitals are included ?
from psychiatric hospitals, hospices and rehabilitation centers were omitted since they contribute a large proportion of bed-days but presumably much lower con- sumption of antimicrobials and thus might skew the
. the term `antimicrobial agentsī covers in this chapter all systemic antibacterial agents for human use listed in the anatomical therapeutic chemical (atc) classification under the code j01. the only other antibacterials included are metronida- 12.20 12.24 12.76 12.15 12.21 12.85 13.26 13.53 14.06 14.96 15.45 16.45 16.15 16.22 17.21 17.34 16.75 16.95 16.40 16.46 1.40 1.35 1.36 1.39 1.41 1.45 1.51 1.51 1.56 1.76 1.81 1.92 2.01 2.08 2.04 1.97 2.13 2.15 2.18 2.04 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 ddd/1000 inhabitant days primary health care hospital care fig 5.1 danmap 2015 figure 5.1a total
of systemic antimicrobial agents in humans in primary health care vs hospital care, denmark also at hospitals, notable changes in the
of penicillins were observed for the twenty-year period: while beta-lactamase sensitive penicillins increased slightly (8.02 to 10.03
, 25%), the
of the other three penicillin groups increased steeply, penicillins with extended spectrum by 52% (11.21 to 17.01
), beta-lactamase resistant penicillins by 120% (4.44 to 9.80
) and combination penicillins by > 1000% (0.03 to 17.90
). increases were also observed for cephalosporins (3.99 to 10.40
), fluoro- quinolones (1.46 to 9.30
) and carbapenems (0.36 to 4.10
). while the consump- tion of the former two has stabilized or slightly decreased since 2010, the
of carbapenems, mainly meropenem, has continued to increase.