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.com how lean saved big in graphic production
this white paper shows how the webproof solution has optimized the process at one of the largest media groups in scandinavia, with over 50 newspapers, including 10 daily papers, and a commercial production of 10,000-20,000 ads
per month. the webproof solution has increased quality and reduced production time. by using lean principles to automate everything it can, it also reduced production labor by 29 people. af it senior consult john b. jensen, 2013 everything is done automatically, without involving man- power, from the moment part material is received until the high-resolution pdf is delivered to the right news- paper and the pages to the right printer. webproof also automatically controls the graphic ad production?s global outsourcing to various locations around the world. the automation has happened over several years, with it senior consult john b. jensen leading the entire imple- mentation. the task is now complete and implemented with significantly large savings. this white paper describes all processes involved in every graphic production. you will find many of these processes useful, no matter what you are producing. webproof has used the same process to optimize graphic production at aller media, ica with 1,000 different 8-16 page flyers per month; lego, with more than 2,000 users worldwide; noth media, with around 30 newspapers; amedia, with around 30 newspapers; and more. webproof has asked john b. jensen to share his knowledge of the integration process, which involves more details than possible to reproduce here. this paper, authored by john b. jensen, is written in chronological order. 1. receive email with print-ready ads before the integration of webproof, the newspaper re- ceived files in many ways (usb sticks, cd-roms, email, shared drives, etc.). at least ten men worked to download and put ads in the right flow. it was established that all ads should be sent to an email box, from which a backup of material and info was made (eg. sender, additional text , etc.) before each ad was automatically placed in webproof (xml). the location of the right information in the right ad is based on a unique booking number that follows the advertisement through the whole process. thus a pdf ad would be renamed with a booking number and queued for validation. this meant one simple flow with a minimum of manpower, added all advertisements in webproof, ready for subse- quent processing. ?traditionally, ads were then manually reviewed (validated), where an employee assessed whether to put the ad through acrobat or pitstop...?