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.com 3. ad consultants were told to send all the materials
to a specific mailbox, which webproof empties automatically through the webproof workflow. webproof searches for the ad number anywhere in the material, then moves it to the correct ad folder. if the consultant wants another image, he just sends a new email, which is placed in the same folder. one can, from webproof, attach materials assembled in those centralized ad-material-folders located on a local drive. if attachments are larger than 10 mb, some email systems limitations will not handle them. in these cases, one can upload through ftp or place the file on a harddisk for this purpose. web- proof automatically moves the part material to the ad folder. previously, all of this material was placed on 25 servers spread across different locations, which meant that in order to move all this material, we had to go through each server. it took some time to gather everything from the servers. placing ad materials in one space creates a very big advantage for it management and saves the designer a great deal of time traditionally used to search for material for a given ad. 4. manual packing of ad materials again, let me give you a little background history. the amount of ads to be produced can vary wide- ly throughout the year. this requires more production capacity during certain periods. it showed up that ad pro- duction costs are much cheaper in countries like india, china, bolivia, and lithuania than at home. even there are economic advantages to centralized ad production, it is necessary with more ad-production loca- tions at certain periods. share: extern_prod logistics department or graphic designer all ad elements assembled in a local folder - possibly on your desktop the folder labeled with ad number the directory is packed manually or moved to hotspot the producer switches the status to "xxx prod" to show us that the ad production has begun. when the ad is finished the pdf is sent off followed by a new zip-file with the produced ad (ind. doc) and the used part material. ext prod ok when the pdf is returned webflow automatically switches status to the ad will then continue automatically for proofing in webproof ext zip ok when the zip-file is returned webflow automatically change status to the package will then be unzipped and placed in a simple #00-99 structure ext4 ship ext1 ship ext2 ship ext3 ship logistics or graphic designer change the status code from "new ad" to "xxx ship" whereby the packet is sent by ftp to the producer stuffit hotspot on your desktop extern production packages folder and move the *. zip to share: \extern_prod\ extern_prod 00 01 02 98 99 . . . . . ..\12345678 the handling of this can be quite time-consuming; the layout descriptions must be translated, ad materials must be packed, and it all must be sent to the manufac- turer through ftp. similarly, the producer must unpack everything, so there are typically many mistakes. han- dling of proofs between sales consultants and the global production may also be difficult when different languag- es and cultures must communicate. both start-up and ongoing operations can be quite time-consuming and quickly eliminate the otherwise great economic advan- tage by outsourcing graphic ad production. customer or advertising sales all ad elements are placed in simple #00-99 structur by webflow the ad is being produced share: finished ads & used_material 00 01 02 98 99 . . . . . share: part_material 00 01 02 98 99 . . . . . 85642902 85643499 00 01 02 98 99 . . . . . share: ads 84659702.indd
87643502.indd 85432698.indd 85432601.indd 85412399.indd 85476599.indd 87643502.indd 87643502 links 85412399.indd 85412399 links ad produced and presented for review in webproof the indesign document is placed i a simple #00-99 structure making indesign package when the ad is produced, webflow collects all part material the indesign document and a package is placed i a simple #00-99 structure or a zip-file is returned by the external producer to obtain the ad-production economic savings, these processes should be automated at both ends. internally, we had to eliminate the time spent on pack- ing all materials, the time to unpack again when the ad was produced, and time spent on moving materials to