0819 August
33 / 84
what?s your
date night with your wife? j: we have date night every thursday. we will either waitr something or go to a restaurant. which family member has been your greatest role model in life
? j: my mom. she laid the law down, and she was my rock. she only missed one game and it was because of a work emergency. she travelled everywhere with me. what are some things you learned from football about life and parenting
? j: in life, there are ups and downs, and it?s all about how you respond to them. everyone goes through something, but you learn to grind. you don?t wait around for things to happen, you make them happen. what?s your favorite football memory, either from your career or your love of the game? j: winning the national championship meant a lot. it was the first big thing i did in my career. a lot of people ask me what my favorite memory of tiger stadium is...and i remember, i was in my freshman year, we were playing georgia, and our defense had just done a play. i was standing on the sidelines and it was like i had two amps plugged into my years. i stood there listening like, ?this is why it?s called death valley.? do you have any advice for other parents? j: let your kid be a kid, and be patient. ? quick q&a the parenting item i couldn?t live without? my wife. justus loves his mommy! favorite movie growing up? howard the duck and maximum overdrive . music i?m loving? old school r&b and zydeco. i feel my best when i? take a shower. my favorite television show is... yellowstone . my favorite ice cream is... cookies and cream. a u g u s t 2 0 1 9 | b r p a r e n t s . c o m 3 3