0419 April
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at 5 p.m. (225
) 389-7450 pflag support group. unitarian uni- versalist church at 6:30 p.m. support group for friends and family of lgbt people every third thurs- day. sunshine social: bunny hop. brec?s womack ballroom from 6-9 p.m. dance for ages
16 and up, with special needs and their friends and fami- lies. (225) 216-7474 teen anime club. watson library at 5:30 p.m. anime and manga en- thusiasts can watch anime, discuss manga, learn about japanese culture, and play games. (225) 686-4180 19 friday good friday breastfeeding sup- port group. woman?s hospital from 9:30-11 a.m. learn from a certified lactation nurse and other moms about their own suc- cesses and challenges with breastfeeding. free. (225) 231-5475 easter eggstrava- ganza! cortana mall from 5-7 p.m. egg hunt, face painting, balloon artist, dj, dance party, games and prizes. family dinner im- prov show. manship theatre at 7:30 p.m. from the folks who brought you spoof night! with films at manship comes a locally made, monthly comedy show. ages 17 and older. faux stained glass painting. donaldson- ville library at 4 p.m. teens can make a faux stained glass painting. (225) 473-8052 louisianime 2019. baton rouge marriott through april 21 at 5 p.m. celebration of anime and japanese culture with pan- els, workshops, guests and vendors. 20 saturday earth day hike. port hudson state historic how their bodies grow, what changes to expect during puberty, and how to take care of themselves. cost is $15. registration required. (225) 231-5475 dragons love tacos party . dutchtown library at 6 p.m. children ages 5-10 and their families can enjoy doing all things dragon based featuring adam rubin?s hilarious book, a craft, and games. (225) 673-8699 faux stained glass painting. gonzales library at 4 p.m. teens can make a faux stained glass painting. (225) 647-3955 parents/caregiv- ers networking meeting . conference call at 5 p.m. for parents of children with behavioral issues who need informa- tion and support. access number is 546755#. (641) 715-3273 random fandom. denham springs-walker library at 5 p.m. teens can celebrate their favorite movie, tv show, or book series with discussions, trivia, games, crafts and snacks. (225) 686-4140 stevie nicks: in your dreams . man- ship theatre at 7:30 p.m. unrated documentary follows stevie nicks as she begins writing and record- ing her first solo album in nearly a decade. tickets are $9.50. ymca annual cele- bration and volun- teer recognition. crowne plaza executive center at 6:30 p.m. din- ner and volunteer awards. free. 17 wednesday easter necklaces . eden park library from 4:30-5:30 p.m. children ages five to seven will listen to here comes the easter cat and make easter neck- laces. i care live. webinar series at noon by the i care program with various guest speakers who promote personal safety, drug prevention and self- help educational resources. 18 thursday body basics for girls. woman?s hospital from 6:30-8 p.m. preteen girls ages 9-12 will learn how their bodies grow, what changes to expect during puberty, and how to take care of themselves. cost is $15. registration required. (225) 231-5475 casa orientation. casa office at 4 p.m. capital area court ap- pointed special advocate (casa) association holds orientation. registration required. champions of ser- vice awards gala. capitol park museum from 5:30-8:30 p.m. volunteer- cradle to k parent club. st. mary?s baptist church from 10 a.m.-noon. a chance for parents to have honest conversations about the joys and chal- lenges of parenting. lunch and childcare provided. (225) 389-7957 feeding young minds. denham springs- walker library at 5:30 p.m. (225) 686-4140 mermaid magic . denham springs-walker library at 6 p.m. children ages three to seven can enjoy an evening of magical mermaid games and crafts. registration required. (225) 686-4140 one book one community book discussion. carver site, jackson, from 9-11 a.m. participants will visit eight different ecological habitats within the park. (888) 677-3400 ligo science sat- urday: revolution (and rotation). the laser interferometer gravitational wave obser- vatory, livingston, from 1-5 p.m. tour the facility, talk to a ligo scientist or sci- ence specialist, and explore and interact with over 40 ligo science concept exhibits. louisiana saturday night variety show. suma crossing theatre, satsuma. grand country junction show. louisianime 2019. baton rouge marriott through april 21 at 5 p.m. celebration of anime and japanese culture with pan- els, workshops, guests, and vendors. solar viewing. brec?s highland road park observatory from noon-2 p.m. staff shows the sun in three manners so visitors are able to see any sizable sunspots or flares occurring. studio saturdays. lasm at 1 p.m. hands-on workshop for children ages 8-14 and their accompa- nying adults. registration required. 21 sunday easter louisianime 2019. ba- ton rouge marriott. ends at 5 p.m. celebration of anime and japanese culture with panels and vendors. 22 monday earth day microsoft excel in- termediate. denham springs-walker library at 6:30 p.m. for students ages 12+ who have com- pleted the basics. registra- tion required. (225) 686-4140 girls on the run 5k. pennington biomedical research center at 2 p.m. the event is the culmination of the 10-week girls on the run program. attendees can enjoy music, free activities for children, a zumba warm up, and post-race food. regis- tration runs $30-35, and free for ages seven and under. calendar in every issue a p r i l 2 0 1 9 | b r p a r e n t s . c o m 7 5