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connect education mobile cl assroom brings steam activities to livingston
livingston parish public schools recently rolled out its steam express, a new mobile classroom built in a retrofitted bus designed to take learning into neighborhoods. the express introduces science, technology, engineering, arts and math (steam) concepts to
, and is decorated to look like a steam locomotive, including a working steam whistle. equipped with wifi, touch-screen computers, and hands-on, interactive modules, the classroom has a flexible design allowing set up for projects from elementary to high school. the express was developed by the district?s instructional technology department and made possible by community sponsors. ? lpsb.org white cane safety day raises awareness the louisiana school for the visually impaired hosted a free white cane safety day event to raise awareness about white canes often used by those who are blind or visually impaired. east baton rouge mayor-president sharon-weston broome addressed attendees, who received educational materials and were able to try their hand at using a white cane to navigate while blindfolded. white cane safety day has been recognized annually in the united states since a 1964 joint resolution of congress. st. joseph?s,
seniors earn perfect act scores st. joseph?s academy senior anna lejeune (left) and
senior anna kadi (right) each scored a composite 36 on the act. only one-tenth of one percent of
taking the act ace the exam with a perfect score. the act is a college admissions exam that measures what
learn in high school and assesses academic readiness for college. it includes four tests: english, math, reading and science, each receiving a score of 1-36. the composite score is the average of those.
3rd graders to perform elflandia third grade drama
elementary will perform the musical elflandia this month. in one scene, the elves and santa take selfies with people visiting the north pole workshop. cohen pizzalato plays santa, and lorelei welch and jordan bergeron play elves. the play will be performed in the elementary drama room on the main campus on friday, december 14. ?
.org basis
scouts go wild at baton rouge zoo basis baton rouge, a new charter school in town, already offers extracurricular opportunities for its
, including
scouts. twenty-three scouts from basis troops 10521 and 10518 attended brec?s baton rouge zoo
scout day, wearing their
scout vests and happily braving the heat for a wild adventure. the daisies, kindergarten and first graders, and brownies, second and third graders, enjoyed their first out-of-school outing and are looking forward to many more
scout trips to come. jannean dixon is the troops? leader. 2 2 b r p a r e n t s . c o m | d e c e m b e r 2 0 1 8