75 / 88
) 756-1150 jeopardy at the library. jones creek library at 7 p.m. teams will play jeopardy and win prizes. registration required. (225) 756-1150 night at the mu- seum: mammals. lsu museum of natural science, foster hall, from 6-7:30 p.m. scientists will give talks about their research and then take guests on a behind-the- scenes tour. reservations requested. lsu.edu red rooster bash. lsu rural life museum at 6:30 p.m. enjoy music and bbq, and bid on silent and live auction items. lsuagcenter.com richard marx. man- ship theatre at 7:30 p.m. winner of the best song of the year in 2003. tick- ets run $50-65. manshiptheatre.org
the magic of john williams. first bap- tist church at 7:30 p.m. performance by the baton rouge symphony orches- tra. tickets run $40-60. brso.org uncorked. capitol park event center at 6:30 p.m. forum 35?s fall fundraiser. bontempstix.com 9 friday cajun dance . uct hall at 7:10 p.m. with free dance lessons and the band at 8 p.m. the band is chris miller and bayou roots. batonrougecajundance.com gingerbread house decorating . brec?s highland road community park from 6-8 p.m. create a ginger- bread masterpiece with graham crackers, icing and candy trim. recreationevents@ brec.org parents night out for special needs. st. jean vianney church from 6:30-9 p.m. for children with special needs ages 2-12 and their siblings. registration requested. $5 donation requested. parentsnightout@ stjeanvianney.org wiggle worms. denham springs-walker library at 10:30 a.m. children up to age five and their caregivers will participate in music and dance activities. (225) 686-4140 10 saturday 100 under 100 ex- hibit reception. the arts council of livingston parish, denham springs, from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. artists of various mediums will flood the gallery with 100 items priced under $100. artslivingston.org beginner bmx track clinic . brec?s extreme sports park from 9-10 a.m. clinic will be on beginner bmx track. cost is $25. registration required. xsports@ brec.org body basics for girls. woman?s hospital from 9:30-11 a.m. preteen girls ages 9-12 will learn how their bodies grow, what changes to expect, and how to take care of themselves. cost is $15. registration required. (225) 231-5475 burning for bogan bash. robert a. bogan baton rouge fire museum from 7-10 p.m. whiskey, steaks, cigars, baked potato bar, dessert bar, and a silent auction. $45 per person. (225) 241-2318 car and booster seat safety check . bluebonnet library at 10 a.m. adults will watch a free tutorial by ebrp sheriff?s office on how to correctly install seats. (225) 763-2250 carnaval inter- nacional 2018. baton rouge interna- tional school from 1-6 p.m. includes the around the world one-mile fun run/ walk, around the world cook-off, entertainment, and fashion show. brintl.ejoinme.org/ carnival2018 childbirth class. ochsner medical center from 8 a.m.-3:30 p.m. free class covers pregnan- cy, pain theories, pre-labor bass pro santa wonderland. denham springs from november
10-de- cember 24, with santa on mondays-saturdays from 10 a.m.-8 p.m. and sundays from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. santa photos, games, and crafts. (225) 271-3100 casa toy drive. capital area casa association office through november. help bring a smile to a child who is living in foster care by donating a new and unwrapped item. (225) 379-8598 celebration in the oaks. city park, new orleans. holiday light display from november 23-25 and november 30-january 1. tickets run $10 per person with children under the age of three admitted free. train rides and amusement rides are an additional cost. neworleanscitypark.com one flew over the cuckoo?s nest. theatre baton rouge from november 2-18. set in a psychiatric hospital, this play takes a look at institutional processes and the human mind. rated r. theatrebr.org peter pan. lsu shaver theatre from november 29-december 2. christian youth theater performs broadway?s timeless musical. tickets run $16-22. cytbatonrouge.org shadrack christmas wonderland. lamar dixon expo center, gonzales, from november 16-january 6. two miles of custom displays that are synchronized to the radio. cost runs $25-80. shadrackchristmas.com sock it to me! sock drive. donate new socks to baton rouge parents magazine ?s annual sock drive through december. the socks will be donated to those in need this winter. brparents.com the diary of anne frank. lsu?s reilly theatre from november 9-18. per- formance by swine palace. tickets run $14-22. lsu.edu the louisiana renaissance festival. hammond through decem- ber 9. the festival takes place on a location that emulates a historic 16th century village in england during the 1565 fall harvest festival. admission runs $12-20. la-renfest.com the polar express. lasm on saturdays at 3 p.m. from november 24-de- cember 22. watch the holiday movie, and warm up with complimentary hot chocolate before each show. lasm.org weeki wachee mermaids. aquarium of the americas, new orleans, from november 1-4 and 8-11 from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. see mermaids as part of the aquarium experience. audubonnatureinstitute.org zoolights. brec?s baton rouge zoo from november 23-december 30 from 5:30-8 p.m. see lights and displays of zoo animals and holiday traditions with special activities on various dates. brzoo.org weekly events calendar in every issue n o v e m b e r 2 0 1 8 | b r p a r e n t s . c o m 7 5