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rouge are major concerns for families experiencing homelessness.?
in baton rouge are lacking for families.
explains, ?especially if you have a family and they have teenage boys, they can?t go to
because they will not accept boys over a certain age. we need more family resources.? ways to support these children children are never at fault for their living situation. homelessness can happen very quickly. ?you can easily go from two incomes to one income. life happens. adjustments have to be made at any moment. we are all a few paychecks away from being in a situation where you have to make hard decisions,? says
. residents of baton rouge can contribute to helping these kids. dr. hunter recommends volunteering at
or tutoring
, participating in mentorship
, supporting food banks, and donating uniforms, hygiene products, and school supplies. you can also make monetary donations to the school system to give opportunities for students to take part in extracurricular activities.
adds that the capital area alliance for the homeless is also a good place to donate because the donations ?all circle back to our kids.?
reminds us to be ?more sensitive and compassionate to the needs of others.? we never really know what other people are going through, and offering help can mean the world. mckinney-vento
impact students experiencing homelessness by giving guidance and regulations to ensure that they receive a quality education that can lead to a better life. ? resources available ebr parish school system homeless program (225) 239-7864 la dept. of education homeless hotline at (844) 533-4187 louisianabelieves.com/resources/ library/school-policy s e p t e m b e r 2 0 1 8 | b r p a r e n t s . c o m 5 1