DANMAP 2015 3D
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2015 60 antimicrobial consumption
in humans 5. a) the consumption of j01cr increased by 681% from 4.9 to 38.7 ddd/1,000 discharged patients. fig 5.12 tetracyclines (j01aa) penicillins with extended spectrum (j01ca) -lactamase sens. pens. (j01ce) -lactamase resistant penicillins (j01cf) comb. of pens., incl. - lactamase inhibitors (j01cr) first-gen. cephs. (j01db) second -gen. cephalosporins (j01dc) third-gen. cephalosporins (j01dd) monobactams (j01df) carbapenems (j01dh) trimethoprim and derivatives (j01ea) short-acting sulfon. (j01eb) comb. of sulfonamides and trimethoprim, incl. derivatives (j01ee) macrolides (j01fa) lincosamides (j01ff) aminoglycosides (j01gb) fluoroquinolones (j01ma) glycopeptides (j01xa) polymyxins (j01xb) steroid antibact. (j01xc) imidazoles (j01xd) nitrofuran deriv. (j01xe) m ethenamine (j01xx05) -200 -150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 2000 -2004 (% change in ddd/1,000 discharged patients) antibacterial group (atc code) a) figure
5.15. historical figure ab2 from danmap 2004. changes in hospital consumption of antibacterials for systemic use between 2000 and 2004, denmark. danmap 2015