84 / 100 82 54-79 | in focus programmes 80-96 | off-screen 52- 53 | animation 44-51 | children & youth 32-43 | danish competition 12-31 | off competition a talk by lotte svendsen | off-screen a talk by lotte svendsen mød lotte svendsen kulturmaskinen, store sal fredag 30/8 kl. 14:00 friday 30/8 at 2:00 p.m. screenwriter and director lotte svendsen will show excerpts from her productions and share her experiences and refl ections on fi lmmaking. she graduated from e national film school of denmark in 1995 and has since then directed short fi lms, television satire, theatre and feature fi lms, most recently the popular and award-winning full-length feature max pinlig (2008). in this talk she will direct special attention to what she calls ‘the personal story’. do all people have an interesting story to tell? and what does it take to bring it out? is event is held in danish. manuskriptforfatter og filminstruktør lotte svendsen viser klip fra sine produktioner og fortæller om sine overvejelser og erfaringer. hun har siden sin afgang fra filmskolen i 1995 instrueret kortfilm, tv-satire, teater og spillefilm. senest den populære og prisbelønnede film max pinlig (2008). i dette foredrag lægger hun særlig vægt på det, hun kalder den personlige historie. har alle en interessant historie med sig? hvad skal der til for at fremkalde den? café