89 / 100 87 54-79 | in focus programmes 80-96 | off-screen 52- 53 | animation 44-51 | children & youth 32-43 | danish competition 12-31 | off competition have a sense of humour about it | off-screen standup - man hater? - sanne søndergaard standup - mandehader? - sanne søndergaard kulturmaskinen, store sal ursday 29/8 at 8:00 p.m. torsdag 29/8 kl. 20:00 have a sense of humour... film has historically drawn inspiration from other art forms including visual arts, music and literature. in recent years, the stand-up genre has seeped into the danish movie theatres and has made apparent the retreat of high culture influence. now the genre also finds its way to off where we have given it a twist by inviting sanne søndergaard and her show man hater? , which has the subtitle a show about being much too fond of cock. sanne søndergaard became known all over denmark within 24 hours when she appeared in a photo on the front page of the danish paper politiken’s culture section, in which she was holding a handful of pubic hair. e photo was accompanied by her own mission statement, “to eliminate prejudice and stereotypes. and to turn the world upside down in order to see it all from above for a little while.” she made her debut as a stand-up co