59 / 100 57 54-79 | in focus programmes 80-96 | off-screen 52- 53 | animation 44-51 | children & youth 32-43 | danish competition 12-31 | off competition doc lounge / doc lounge | in focus heidi ewing & rachel grady usa / 2012 / 91 min. documentary and live-dj in laid-back surroundings. bouns: live interview with director rachel grady welcome to a night of film in the key of ruin: despair and courage live side by side in a city that lost its livelihood after the collapse of the automotive industry, and with it, hundreds of thousands of citizens. the city of detroit in the state of michigan has become a hollow shell of its former self with abandoned factories, empty houses and broken dreams. has detroit become a portentous symbol of the american dystopia or does a glimmer of hope survive in the ruins? it is with great pleasure that doc lounge o