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competition denmark has a long tradition for making great short fi lms – and don’t just take our word for it: danish short fi lms are celebrated around the world, and have been awarded at the academy awards several times.  e fi eld includes animation, fi ction and documentary and at off13 we are happy to present fi lms of all genres – as long as the fi lm is 30 minutes long, or less. in this year’s programme, you can savour the work of experienced directors and catch the talents of tomorrow. roar with laughter, break your heart and lose yourself in the many breath-taking stories as off13 gives you the best danish short fi lms from 2012 and 2013.  e fi lms have been through a strict selection process and 33 have made the cut.  ey will be competing alongside the international fi lms for three awards: in addition, there are two exclusively danish awards to vie for: best danish short film and  e talent award. our jury has a diffi cult task ahead of them singling out the very fi nest among the short fi lms – we thank them for their hard work!  e programmes marked with are for youths above the age of 14. best danish short film  e award goes to the best danish short fi lm.  e winner will receive an off diploma and a cheque for €3500 the talent award  e award goes to the danish short fi lm with the most powerful storyteller.  e prize consists of a diploma and a cheque for €2000. danmark har en lang tradition for kortfi lm. de går ofte deres sejrsgang verden over, og er fl ere gange blevet belønnet med
oscars. det gælder både animation, fi ktion og dokumentar, og her på off13 rummer vi alle genrer – blot fi lmene er under 30 minutter. i programmet kan man opleve erfarne instruktører såvel som
morgendagens talenter, få rørt sine lattermuskler, trænet sine tårekanaler og synke hen i fordybelse, når off13 viser de bedste danske kortfi lm fra 2012 og 2013. filmene har været igennem et skarpt udvalg, og i alt er 33 danske fi lm kommet med. de dyster om to priser; kortfi lmprisen og talentprisen. det er en svær opgave vores jury kommer på, når de skal vælge de bedste kortfi lm fra danmark. tak til vores jury – og god arbejdslyst. programmer markeret med er for unge over 14. kortfi lmprisen går til den bedste danske kortfi lm. præmien er et off diplom og en check på 25.000 dkk. talentprisen uddeles til den danske kortfi lm, der har den stærkeste historiefortæller. præmien er et off diplom og en check på 15.000 dkk. competition programme / competition programme / konkurrenceprogram konkurrenceprogram anders haahr anders haahr rasmussen is a danish critic and journalist with an ma in sociology from the new school of social research, new york and a ma in journalism from university of southern denmark. he has covered prostitution, gender and sports as a freelance journalist for danish publications such as dagbladet information and euroman, and may be recognized by danish tennis fans as the voice behind the tennis commentary on danish national radio and eurosport. in 2010, anders haahr rasmussen published én bold ad gangen (one ball at a time), a  rst-hand report from the 2009 us open, where danish tennis superstar caroline wozniacki had her breakthrough. anders haahr rasmussen is also the author of two e-books about aspects of sexuality, power and taboo in male and female gender identity, mikkels pik and modellen. anders haahr rasmussen, cand. public. fra syddansk universitet og ma i sociologi fra the new school for social research i new york, er en dansk journalist, forfatter og underviser, der skriver og anmelder for blandt andre dagbladet information og euroman. han har særligt dækket emner som prostitution, køn og tennis, og tennisfans kender hans stemme fra danmarks radio og eurosport, hvor han er kommentator. i 2010 udgav anders haahr rasmussen portræt- og reportagebogen én bold ad gangen , baseret på sin dybdegående dækning af caroline wozniackis himmelfærd ved us open i 2009. anders haahr rasmussen har desuden skrevet om seksualitet, magt og tabu i e-bøgerne mikkels pik og modellen . rachel shane rachel shane, a canadian-american producer, is the executive vice-president of red wagon entertainment, a multi-million grossing production company in los angeles, california. rachel shane started her career on the mask of zorro and is the executive producer on studio productions such as the upcoming divergent starring kate winslet and shailene woodley, lawless starring gary oldman, guy pearce, tom hardy and jessica chastain, as well as stuart little iii and hollow man ii . she served as associate producer on stuart little ii . rachel shane realized her interest lay in  lm development and production after working in legal and business affairs at morgan creek entertainment. rachel shane er en canadisk-amerikansk producer, der arbejder hos det millionindtjenende produktionsselskab red wagon entertainment i los angeles, californien. rachel shane tog sine første fi lmskridt på produktionen af the mask of zorro , og har siden arbejdet som executive producer på fi lm som lawless (med gary oldman, guy pearce, tom hardy og jessica chastain), stuart little ii, hollow man ii og på den kommende fi lm divergent (med kate winslet og shailene woodley). rachel shane blev første gang klar over, at fi lm skulle være hendes levevej, da hun arbejde som juridisk rådgiver ved morgan creek entertainment. tova magnusson tova magnusson is a swedish actor, comedian and director who received early acclaim as the lead in rumle hammerich’s black lucia from 1992, and went on to become a successful comedian through her work with swedish comedians’ collective gruppen and has appeared in many swedish  lms. for the past 10 years, tova magnusson has increasingly devoted herself to directing the stage, with skitungen - en omöjlig gosse in 2000, as well as  lm and televison, for exampel the dramaseries the gynecologist in askim (2007), the comedy series solsidan (2012), the crime series arne dahl: de största vatten and full length features fröken sverige (2003) and fyra år till (2010). tova magnusson er en svensk skuespiller, komiker og instruktør, som fi k sit gennembrud som 24-årig med hovedrollen i rumle hammerichs erotiske thriller sort lucia i 1992, og senere fi k succes som komiker som del af satirekollektivet gruppen med produktionen clownen luktar benzin i 1996. efter tova magnusson debuterede som teaterinstruktør med forestillingen skitungen – en omöjlig gosse i 2000, har hun de sidste ti år hovedsageligt arbejdet som instruktør, ikke mindst i fi lmverdenen med blandt andet dramaserien gynekologen i askim (2007) komedieserien solsidan (2012), krimiserien arne dahl:de största vatten og spillefi lmene fröken sverige (2003) og fyra år till (2010). off13 - the danish jury off13 - the danish jury