37 / 100 35 54-79 | in focus programmes 80-96 | off-screen 52- 53 | animation 44-51 | children & youth 32-43 | danish competition 12-31 | off competition the girls and boys live in a world without any grown ups and are in a constant war with each other – the boys have occupied an abandoned city while the girls live in a hidden forest. but when albert, one of the boys, wounds a girl during a battle, he decides to take care of her and follow her into her forest. suddenly a new world opens up for him. der findes ingen voksne. pigerne og drengene er i krig med hinanden og lever adskilt – drengene i en forladt by og pigerne i en skjult skov. men en dag under et slag, sårer en af drengene, albert, en pige, og beslutter sig for at tage vare på hende. kendskabet til pigen gør, at en ny verden åbner sig for albert. the children's world børnenes verden paw charlie ravn denmark / 2013 / 22:00 / animation / production: profile pictures / distribution: profile pictures / contact: pawr av n@gmail.com