22 / 100 20 54-79 | in focus programmes 80-96 | off-screen 52- 53 | animation 44-51 | children & youth 32-43 | danish competition 12-31 | off competition manfred and jürgen, both elderly gentlemen in their mid-seventies, are enjoying their saturday. they sunbathe and work in the garden. and on sunday, rosi, an old friend of theirs, comes by to join their s/m bondage session. it is just another ordinary weekend in germany! de går rigtig og hygger sig, de to gamle venner, som for længst har lagt de unge år bag sig. erindringen er lang og minderne mange med fælles seksuelle præferencer og en lyst til sadomasochistiske lege, hvor andre også kan være med – på en fredelig søndag i tyskland. a weekend in germany ein wochenende in deutschland jan soldat germany / 2012 / 25:00 / documentary / production: jan soldat / distribution: jan soldat / contact: jan.soldat@yahoo.de